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Media criteria for the TT Circuit

Special procedures and accreditations apply in respect of media access to the TT Circuit. Media passes are required to gain access to the various events. Submitting an application is no guarantee that you will be awarded accreditation. Media representatives need to understand that being granted accreditation for a previous event is no guarantee that they will be granted it for future events.

The event’s organisers (who lease the circuit from TT Circuit Assen) and the TT Circuit’s press officer will decide which media will be admitted. Accreditation applications proceed via the TT Circuit. Applications for media accreditation must be submitted at least ten working days before the event in question. During the event, all instructions issued by the circuit personnel, officials, security staff and the lessee must be strictly complied with. You enter the circuit site at your own risk and TT Circuit Assen is not liable for any harm, injury or loss suffered.

Media personnel are expected to act professionally during the event. If rules are broken, instructions are not followed and/or unprofessional behaviour is observed, an accreditation may be withdrawn before - or even during - the event and access to the circuit may be refused.

The accreditation criteria differ for the different media. For newspapers and print media, one criterion is that the representatives must be registered journalists or photographers with a recognised press pass. They must also be able to hand over an accompanying letter from their editor-in-chief/employer on their company’s official notepaper, along with proof of professional experience and proof of income from previously published pieces.

In the case of television and radio, recognised (Internet or other) broadcasters must fulfil specific criteria, such as having accident insurance for all employees and providing an extract from the KvK (Dutch Chamber of Commerce).

Drones are only permitted for recording purposes if the lessee consents to this and then only if certain criteria (conditions, permits and insurance cover) are met. In addition, the following rules apply:

1.      The Race Control/Duty Manager must have been provided with the drone pilot’s phone number.

2.     The drone pilot must comply with standard accreditation rules and must be identifiable because they are wearing the mandatory media bib.

3.       It is not permitted to fly above the circuit, that is to say above the tarmac between the white lines or above/along the pit lane.

4.       It is not permitted to fly above large (or other) groups of people.



The criteria for Internet websites and online media include having a professionally operating website, proof of registration with the KvK (Dutch Chamber of Commerce), making your own editorial contributions and having a minimum number of unique visitors each day.

Influencers and content-makers are welcome to apply for event accreditation. We check reach and content.

Those media representatives acting on behalf of teams, riders and sponsors are subject to separate conditions. In principle, no media passes will be issued to employees of these parties, unless proof is provided that a media pass is necessary and that the limit for the number of accreditations has not yet been reached.